Theresa Sawi, Seismologist

Mendenhall Postdoctoral Researcher at the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Science Center

creativity, curiosity, humanity

Curriculum Vitae

About Me

For many years, I played and taught music in the Bay Area, California. At some point, I discovered physics and decided to turn to studying our natural world. My research focuses on source processes from seismic phenomena including glacial icequakes and repeating earthquake sequences on the San Andreas Fault, namely by implementing unsupervised machine-learning methods to large seismic datasets. I also apply machine-learning techniques to help understand near-field source processes of moderate-to-large earthquakes using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS), that is, fiber optic cables. My work has a diverse range of applications, from earthquake early warning to understanding glacial behavior as a response to warming temperatures.

Theresa Sawi

Dr. Theresa Sawi (and Prince)


My research interests include:


Here are some of my recent publications:


Conference Presentations

Upcoming Events

  • Photonic Seismology: Lighting the Way Forward (Presenter)
    Seismological Society of America.
    7-10 October 2024 in Vancouver, Canada.
    More Info


Check out media coverage related to my work:

April 2024, Fox News, New Jersey Earthquake: Read more

December 2020, Fox 5 New York, East Coast Earthquakes *featuring Lucy Jones!*Read more

January 2019, EOS, Can earthquakes trigger volcanic eruptions? Read more

January 2019, National Geographic, Can earthquakes trigger volcanic eruptions? Read more


  • SCOPED Workshop 2024
    Workshop leader: Unsupervised Machine-Learning for Seismology on the Cloud
    May 2024 in Seattle, WA, and remote.
    Cloud Computing Notebook: SpecUFEx & Amatrice 2016 Tutorial

    Amatrice Tutorial Notebook

    Amatrice Tutorial Slides

    More Info
  • Seismological Society of America (SSA) 2024 Meeting
    Workshop leader: Unsupervised Machine-Learning for Seismology on the Cloud
    May 2024 in Anchorage, AK.
    More Info
  • Seismology Student Workshop Spring 2019, 2021 & 2023
    Workshop organizer
    Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY
    More Info: Sound Lab
  • Girls' Science Day Fall 2021 & 2022
    Workshop leader: The Music of Earthquakes
    Columbia Univeristy, New York City, NY
    More Info
  • LDEO Open House Fall 2018 & 2019
    Exhibit presenter: Sonifying Earthquakes with the Seismic Sound Lab
    Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY
    More Info: Sound Lab More Info: LDEO Open House

Contact Me

Email: tsawi*at*
