Climate change has revealed an urgent need for efficient, robust ways of observing glaciers and ice sheets. The SpecUFEx Group is developing ways to combine seismology, machine learning, and data visualization to understand complex fluid-driven dynamics at an Alpine glacier.
See our github repository here (manuscript in preparation, 2021)
My work focuses data visualization and machine learning techniques to analyze volcanic time-series data. Along with a multidisciplinary team of volcanologists from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and across the globe, we undertake research to better understand all aspects of volcanic behavior, with impacts ranging from protecting cities near volcanoes to answering the question of what killed the dinoaurs.
Read more about Lamont-Doherty’s AVERT project performing real-time, multi-sensor observational experiments on two Alaskan volcanoes.
Check out my chat with National Geographic (or Eos News) on why the public may be (overly) concerned about major earthquakes triggering volcanic eruptions...
...based on my undergraduate research with Michael Manga and the Deccan Traps Research group at UC Berkeley.
AGU eLightning 3-Minute Presentation!!
Description |
Date |
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (Virtual and in New Orleans) |
13-17 December 2021 |